Space Station Tiberia


Astronauts, do you copy? This is mission control. Prepare to dock with Earth-Meteor Defense Platform Tiberia. Time is of the essence so let’s review the mission parameters. The largest meteor humanity has ever encountered is enroute to Earth. In a matter of minutes it will impact the station, shortly after that it will end life as we know it. Platform Tiberia holds an Anti-Meteor Laser Array. Tiberia, however, was recently crippled by a devastating radiation storm. You must restore functionality to the station immediately. After docking, restore the critical internal systems before proceeding to the station exterior in order to repair the Anti-Meteor Laser Array. You’re moving out of communications range. Remember, astronauts, humanity is counting on you. Good luck, and godspeed…

Puzzle Solutions

Space Shuttle

  • Thruster Controls - Use the battery to open the cabnets holding the blue fuses. Placing the fuses into the back of the thruster controls will turn them on.

  • Navigation Display - Players will need to place the fuse found in the center cabnet into the slot infront of the main display. To do this, they must first rotate the ship until the sun can be seen from the main view, allowing the sun beams to hit the solar panels at the back of the ship, opening the vents to the side rooms. The players must then place the battery they have into the vent on the right (the room without a battery floating in it) and then use the thruster controls to move the batteries so that they are both near the battery pads in the side rooms. (this can be tricky, the best solution for this is to thrust backwards and to the left until both batteries are in the corners of the rooms, then they can begin moving the batteries together in unison to the battery pads) Once both pads are powered on by batteries, the center cabnet will open, allowing the players to take the last fuse and place it in the slot infront of the main display.

  • Repair the Docking Clamp - The Navigation Display will point the players to the space station and the arrows on the station will point them to the docking port. once there, an automated sequence will play of the ship failing to dock, players must follow the red cables to a sparking conduit on the side of the space station, when the ship is close to this conduit, pressing the repair arm button will play another automated sequence of the ship fixing the conduit.

  • Dock on the Space Station - Last step is to fly back to the docking port and once they are close enough, the ship will dock and begin the next room.

Observation Deck

(May be completed in any order)

  • NAV Computer - By bringing the wireless power module to the floating laptop, users are given a clue that the 3-letter country code belongs to the country currently being flown over. Next, users should see a set of maps on one of the walls which they need to match with what they see outside (the far right map showing SE Asia is the correct one to look at). Finally the user needs to enter one of the four following codes into the NAV Computer: LAO, CAM, VIE, THA

  • Main Network - This computer is found in one of the corners, when you bring the wireless power module near the screen the user is prompted with “Power Main Network?” If yes is selected, they are shown “Storage Area Network Unavailable”. In order to power both the Main Network and the Storage Area Network, a flashlight needs to be brought to next wireless power module and shine across the room to power the solar panel attached to the Storage Area Network. While they a both powered, hitting “Yes” on the Main Network Computer will complete this puzzle.

  • Life Support - Next to the pillar in the room, a shaft leads up to a power receptacle, however whenever users lift the wireless power module into the shaft, the gravity turn on which causes the wireless power module to drop. To overcome this, user need to place the wireless power module on either the square box, or nitrogen canister and hoist it into the shaft. Upon doing so, they will need to hold it up there in place for 15 seconds to bring life support online.

Station Exterior

(Fuse A or Fuse B may be completed in any order)

  • Fuse A - Fuse A is found outside of the bounds of the playspace floating in space near the crane. After using a battery to power the crane, users need to turn on the MAG (magnet) to the crane. Then they need to maneuver the crane using the green arrow touch screens so that the magnet is near enough to the fuse to attract it to the magnet. Then the crane needs to be maneuvered into the playspace so that the fuse can be plucked off the magnet and placed in one of the two fuse slots in the central generator.

  • Fuse B - Fuse B is found in a trench built into the floor of the station exterior. Once the crane is powered, with the MAG (magnet) on, maneuver the crane using the green arrow touch screens so that the head of the magnet is over the over the fuse. Then the crane needs to be sent out once,and then rotated towards the door so that the fuse is able to pop out from the opening in the floor grating. The fuse can now be plucked off the magnet and placed in one of the two fuse slots in the central generator.

    (Laser array puzzle can only be completed after both fuses are in)

  • Laser Array Power - Once both fuses are in place, there are 6 power receptacles available, one on each of the generator’s pillars. Located the right of the crane computer is a red/yellow button which, when pressed, releases a battery randomly from one of five battery ejection chutes located around the playspace. Players need to catch the ejected batteries and place one on each of the 6 power receptacles.

    Strategy: It’s best if half the team looks outwards and defends the placed batteries from incoming asteroids, while the other half watch one or two chutes to catch and place batteries.

Hardmode changes

In the Space Shuttle, the battery pads in the side rooms are in different positions, requiring the players to get the batteries in the center of the side rooms, and rotating the ship clockwise.

In the Observation Deck, the NAV Computer will only accept CAM as the correct answer, instead of any of the four codes.

In the exterior, canisters launch faster, and there are many more asteroids to knock canisters off of the power receptacles, requiring more coordinated teamwork.

Space Station Tiberia Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard is used from the server computer to control several in-game functions. There are some keyboard commands that apply to every level in the game, as a host a level-specific commands.

General Commands

Y - toggles ‘spectator mode’, allowing the camera to fly around and observe the game. The server computer starts in this mode automatically.

W, A, S, D, Q, E - When in ‘spectator mode’, this freely moves and re-orientates the camera position

0 - warps all players to the lobby

1 - warps all players to the Shuttle

2 - warps all players to the observation deck

3 - warps all players to the station exterior

Numeric Keypad Plus - adds 1 minute to the timer

Numeric Keypad Minus - subtracts 1 minute from the timer

H - increase the number of hints the team can request (default 2)

Shift+H - decrease the number of hints the team can request

Alt+H - force revealing of the next hint

Shift+[number] - loads a different game/experience, list is shown in lobby levels

Shift + L - Skips the story intro. Intro must be active for this command to work

Lobby Commands

Spacebar - begins playing the automated intro (VR safety, Hint description, mission), then starts the game

M - plays the mission intro only, then starts the game

V - starts the game

Shift+Insert - toggles the in-game mic feature on/off (Need to do Mic Chat Setup first)

R - toggle showing/hiding of the score message

U - cycles through a list of available languages and apply the new language after 5 seconds (It restarts the server and wipes the current score.)

Space Shuttle

Shift + L - Skips the story intro. Intro must be active for this command to work

J - solves the Rotation Thruster Console Puzzle

K - solves the Directional Thruster Console Puzzle

L - solves the Nav Display Puzzle

B - triggers the failure condition (shuttle blows up) and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level

Numeric Keypad 8, 4, 6, 2 - Shuttle Rotation Thrusters to take control of the player shuttle (top/left/right/bottom). Note, NumLock will need to be on for these keys to work.

Arrow Keys Up, Down, Left, Right - Shuttle Directional Thrusters to take control of the player shuttle.

Observation Deck Commands

J - solves the NAV Computer puzzle

K - solves the Main Network puzzle

L - solves the Life Support System puzzle

B - triggers the failure condition (station blows up) and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level

Station Exterior Commands

J - solves the Fuse A puzzle (NOTE, was ‘;’ key prior to 1.8.5)

K - solves the Fuse B puzzle (NOTE, was ‘/’ key prior to 1.8.5)

L - launches a canister from a random chute

B - triggers the failure condition (station blows up) and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level

V - triggers the victory condition (laser array powers up, asteroid blows up) and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level

M - powers the crane magnet

, . [ ] - maneuvers the crane out/in/left/right