Pirates Plague


Your pirate crew has caught the “Pelagic Plague”: a disease that slowly turns people into fish-monsters! Rumors say the only cure is to consume the heart of a kraken, but krakens are supposedly extinct! However, legend tells of a lost temple on an island where the last kraken heart can still be found. Unfortunately, the waters around the island are swarming with victims of the plague looking for a fight. Hurry! You have little time before the disease is permanent and your crew becomes cursed forever!

Puzzle Solutions

Ship Cabin

  • Before the adventure can begin, the players must choose an outfit that will determine their role. *

There are eight mannequins in the room, each has an outfit on them, players can choose an outfit by reaching for the outfit and grabbing it. The outfit will swap with their current outfit, by default all players are Deck Swabbers. For players to be able to begin the adventure, one player has to be *The Captain

Captain Leads the crew, has a hook-hand that is immune to damage. Has a watch that shows the time left in game.

Navigator Has an enchanted compass, points towards important items or clues to current puzzles.

Scribe Can understand ancient languages. Will get free hints for ruins puzzles.

QuarterMaster Able to lift heavy objects with one hand. Can weild the stone sword with one hand.

Scallywag Thick-skinned, resistant to injury. Doesn’t get burned right away, and will recover from a damaged state faster.

Deck Swabber Basic crewmate, no bonuses

Ship Deck

Phase 1:

The goal for this phase is to load the cannon and fire it at the enemy ship. When the enemy ship is hit, the battle moves on to the next phase.

Powder Bags bags of explosive powder, used to prime the cannon for firing. Can also be placed in the cannon after being lit

Cannon Balls ammunition for the cannon.

Ignition Pole can be used to light the cannon or a powder bag.

Cannons need to be loaded with a poweder bag or fish folk bomb and a cannon ball to be fired.

Fish Bomb thrown onto the deck of the ship by the fish folk shark jockeys. will damage nearby players when it explodes. can also be loaded into the cannon instead of a powder bag.

Phase 2:

The enemy ship retreats from your cannons for a moment, but the fish folk are still attacking

this phase is the same as phase 1, the enemy ship moves to the other side after a little time, but there are now fish folk on sharks throwing bombs at the player. When the enemy ship is hit in this phase, it moves behind the ship again for phase 3

Phase 3:

With a well placed shot, the enemy has destroyed your supply of powder bags, you must improvise to finally sink that ship

This phase is similar to the last 2 phases, but the players do not have powder bags. They must use the fish folk bombs with a cannon ball to fire the cannon.

Fish folk are now boarding the ship, and throwing star fish at the players, to stop them, a swift stab of a sword will do.

The Ruins

The crew reaches the island. now they have to collect the gold medalions in the ancient ruins to find the heart of a kraken


The lever to the pirate entrance is tangled in vines. Either cut the vines or use the strength of the quartermaster to free it.

Kraken Mural

a mural with 7 empty slots and a carving of a kraken are in this room.

When all the medalions are collected, the mural will open to reveal the Kraken Flute. grabbing the flute will complete the ruins.

Circle puzzle: Place the stone fragment on a hand so it completes a circle. the completed circle can be viewed from infront of the mural


This room contains 2 medalion cages, and various pull switches when all the switches are pulled out, the cages will open.

Vine Switch: this switch can’t be pulled because it is tangled in vines, cut the vines or over power them with the quartermaster

Flame Switch: grabbing this switch will burn a players hands, use the captain hook, sword, or the Scallywag to pull it.


This room has 2 constelation keypads with cages below them, the light from the torch will reveal the solution. The solution to the first keypad is behind the keypad seen through the caged window. the solution to the second keypad is on the wall next to it.


This room has 2 medalion cages and the floor is a mirror.

First Cage: there are 3 pull switches in the room hidden behind illusion bricks that open the cage, they can be seen through the reflection on the floor, the bricks disappear when a player touches them.

Second Cage: The cage can be opened by completing the circle fragment puzzle. the hand to place the fragment on is invisible, but can be seen in the reflection, the other half of the circle is on the ceiling.


A balcony can shows the outside of the ruins. a single medalion cage in the center.

Circle Fragment Puzzle: Place the circle fragment on the stone hand that is burning. the other half of the circle comes from the arch outside

The Kraken

the treasure found in the ruins is a strange flute with an image of a kraken on it. Only thing left to do is play it?

This level is a boss fight against the mighty kraken. the battle starts when a player mouth gets close the flute (like they are going to play it)

Boss fight Sequence

During the battle, the kraken will attack players by throwing crates at the ship. when these crates break, they will drop powder bags that can be used with the cannons. Tentacles will also attack the players directly, they can stunned with swords.

Phase 1: Players will have to shoot the kraken in the eye with the cannon 3 times. The cannon operation is the same as in the pirate deck level. however, players can only receive powder bags from the crates the kraken throws at the players.

Phase 2: Players have to shoot the red tentacles with the cannon 2 times. 3 times in hard mode

Phase 3: The kraken has destroyed the carriages for the cannons, but they can still be fired. players have to pick up the cannons, load and fire them. the quartermaster can lift and aim the cannon with one hand.

Once players hit the krakens eye once, they will win.

Hardmode Changes

Subject to Change


  • Constelation puzzle requires the solution in the correct order.

Kraken Battle:

  • an additional hit is required in the second phase

Pirates Plague Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard is used from the server computer to control several in-game functions. There are some keyboard commands that apply to every level in the game, as a host a level-specific commands.

General Commands

Y - toggles ‘spectator mode’, allowing the camera to fly around and observe the game. The server computer starts in this mode automatically.

W, A, S, D, Q, E - When in ‘spectator mode’, this freely moves and re-orientates the camera position

0 - warps all players to the lobby

1 - warps all players to the cabin

2 - warps all players to the ship deck first phase

3 - warps all players to the ruins

4 - warps all players to the ship deck final phase

Numeric Keypad Plus - adds 1 minute to the timer

Numeric Keypad Minus - subtracts 1 minute from the timer

H - increase the number of hints the team can request (default 2)

Shift+H - decrease the number of hints the team can request

Alt+H - force revealing of the next hint

Shift+[number] - loads a different game/experience, list is shown in lobby levels

Shift + L - skips the story introduction (only while introduction is being played)

Lobby Commands

Spacebar - begins playing the automated intro (VR safety, Hint description, mission), then starts the game

M - plays the mission intro only, then starts the game

V - starts the game

Shift+Insert - toggles the in-game mic feature on/off

R - toggle showing/hiding of the score message

U - cycles through a list of available languages and apply the new language after 5 seconds (It restarts the server and wipes the current score.)

Pirate Deck

J - damages the Enemy ship once

V - sinks the enemy ship and ends the level in victory


V - places all medallions in the mural and ends the level in victory

J - solves the first puzzle in the current room and claims the medallion

K - solves the second puzzle in the current room and claims the medallion

Kraken Battle

V - kills the kraken and ends the game in victory

J - damages the kraken (or tentacle) once

L - plays the flute that starts the battle