Runaway Train


Dr. Steem has escaped and is planning his revenge against the town that has imprisoned him. He plans to load up his train with dynamite and blow it up when it reaches the town!

Puzzle Solutions

Train Pursuit Car

Before boarding Dr. Steem’s train, the defense drones need to be destroyed. Use the state-of-the-art, steam-powered Gatling gun to clear the way.

This section’s objective is to shoot down all the drones using the gun in the center of the room. The levers on either side of the gun are used to adjust rotation and pitch of the turret.

Phase 1: Load ammo into the gun, aim at a drone and pull the lever below the gun to fire. Once 3 drones are destroyed, the next phase begins.

Phase 2: A well placed shot by the enemy drones has disabled the gun. Players must solve the pipe puzzle to restore rotation control to the gun to finish destroying the drones. In normal mode, the solution layout of the pipes is visible on the opposite side of the train car.

Caboose Forge

The caboose appears to be Dr. Steem’s mobile forge and the door to the rest of the train is locked by a strange mechanism that requires pipes made from copper. There must be a way to gather enough copper to move forward…

Players must use the smelter, the forge, and the various recipes in the room to gather all 6 copper ingots scattered throught the room. Items can be forged by inserting the required ingots into the forge and setting the T P K dials before pulling the forge lever. T P K code and ingredients are shown in recipes scattered about the room.

The forge and the smelter both require a gear to operate.

  • List of Recipes
Item Metal Components Forge Code Description
Big Wrench 1 Fe (T=5, P=5, K=6)  
Brass Clock 1 Cu + 1 Zn (T=6, P=0, K=5)  
Brass Gramophone Bell 1 Cu + 1 Zn (T=2, P=9, K=7) used on the locked safe to help open it
Copper Gear 1 Cu (T=9, P=6, K=2) used to make smelter and forge work
Copper Pipe 1 Cu (T=7, P=7, K=7) used to get final door open
Copper Statue 1 Cu (T=4, P=5, K=4)  
Copper Teapot 1 Cu (T=8, P=9, K=2)  
Golden Crown 1 Au (T=0, P=7, K=9)  
Hover Drone 1 Au + 1 Ag + 1 Zn (T=2, P=5, K=6) used to retrieve copper ingot stuck in ceiling
Iron Gear 2 Fe (T=1, P=5, K=7) used to make smelter and forge work
Iron Hammer 1 Fe (T=7, P=4, K=1)  
Iron Magnet 2 Fe (T=6, P=4, K=9) used to control iron objects
Silver Statue 1 Ag (T=3, P=3, K=1)  

Copper 1: Already in the lock This one is aleady a pipe, and inserted in the door lock to demonstrate the overall goal.

Copper 2: Clock A clock on one of the tables can be melted into a copper and zinc ingot.

Copper 3: In the ceiling This ingot requires multiple steps to retrieve it. The players must open the safe, which requires players to first forge a gramophone bell and attach it to the safe. Attaching the gramophone bell allows players to listen for the “click” sounds when turning the dials that indicate the correct numbers to unlock the safe. Once the safe is open, players will have the required gold, silver and zinc to forge a flying drone. The flying drone can be piloted using a controller in the room, and can be used to push the the copper ingot that is stuck along the ceiling.

Copper 4: Ingot behind the glass Players must forge a magnet with two iron ingots. The remaining iron object (either an iron ingot, hammer, or wrench) can be placed behind the glass and controlled with the magnet. Players can navigate this iron object so that it pushes the copper ingot out from behind the glass.

Copper 5 and 6: Copper gears Players must forge an iron gear, then use that gear on the smelter to melt both of the copper gears provided. The iron gear can be moved to the forge to make the copper pipes.

Engine Room

The Deputies job has only just begun, they must stop this train before it reaches the town.

The goal of the engine room is to destroy all the fuses in the room. There is a crate of bombs, and a rack of revolvers for the players to use in this task.

There are three fuses that can be shot right away, one in the ceiling, and two on the walls opposite of each other.

The fuse in the floor cannot be shot, players must drop a bomb in the floor grate, and shoot the bomb through the floor grate track until it is under the glass. The bomb will explode and destroy the fuse.

The fuse in the glass chamber behind the fence can also be destroyed by a bomb. first shoot the red valve handle a few times until it stops turning, then place a bomb in the pipe opening to the right of that valve. The bomb will be pushed through the pipe and fall slowly in front of another pipe opening. Players must shoot the bomb in mid-air so that it is knocked into the open pipe. It will then explode and destroy the fuse.

The fuse behind glass panels can be shot once the panels have been moved. The first 2 fuses require the A levers to be activated in the correct order, the order is scratched into the side of each lever. They can be activate by hand, gun barrel, or bullet. once all 4 have been activated, the glass panel will slide out of the way of the first fuse, which can be shot directly. the second fuse can be shot by shooting at the glass and ricocheting the bullet into the fuse.

The last fuse can be accessed by activating the B levers in the correct order. All of these levers are out of reach and can only be activated by shooting them.

Dr. Steem

The town is safe now that the train has stopped, but Dr. Steem is not done with the deputies…

This is the final showdown with Dr. Steem. Players will have to shoot the green furnace on his jetpack, which requires players to either hit him as he flies past, or stun him with explosions.

Boss Fight Sequence

Phase 1: Dr. Steem will fly above the play area and drop bombs into the area. Players can shoot the bomb in his hand to stun him, causing him to rotate around and expose his weak spot. Alternatively, they can shoot the weakspot as he flies through the play area.

Phase 2: Dr. Steem will now use the Gatling gun on his arm to attack the players, and drones will start flying around the train. Players must either shoot the dynamite off the drone or destroy the drone itself above Dr. Steem to stun him and expose his weak spot.

Phase 3: Drones with glass shields will surround the train, shooting the sheilds will ricochet the bullets into the bosses weak spot when fired at the correct angle.

Hardmode Changes

Subject to Change

Pursuit Train Car

  • The pipe maze on the back of the train does not show the solution to the pipe puzzle.
  • Flying drones will attack players slightly more frequently.

Train Forge

  • All possible recipes are visible in the level, including red herring recipes.

Train Engine Room

  • Sliding glass panels reset after a short period of time and will need to be opened again by activating levers in the correct order.

Runaway Train Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard is used from the server computer to control several in-game functions. There are some keyboard commands that apply to every level in the game, as a host a level-specific commands.

General Commands

Y - toggles ‘spectator mode’, allowing the camera to fly around and observe the game. The server computer starts in this mode automatically.

W, A, S, D, Q, E - when in ‘spectator mode’, this freely moves and re-orientates the camera position

0 - warps all players to the lobby

1 - warps all players to the tavern

2 - warps all players to the pursuit car

3 - warps all players to the forge

4 - warps all players to the engine room

5 - warps all players to the boss battle

Numeric Keypad Plus - adds 1 minute to the timer

Numeric Keypad Minus - subtracts 1 minute from the timer

H - increase the number of hints the team can request (default 2)

Shift+H - decrease the number of hints the team can request

Alt+H - force reveals the next hint

Shift+[number] - loads a different game/experience, list is shown in lobby levels

Shift + L - skips the story introduction (only while introduction is being played)

Lobby Commands

Spacebar - begins playing the automated intro (VR safety, Hint description, mission), then starts the game

M - plays the mission intro only, then starts the game

V - starts the game

Shift+Insert - toggles the in-game mic feature on/off

R - toggle showing/hiding of the score message

U - cycles through a list of available languages and apply the new language after 5 seconds (It restarts the server and wipes the current score.)

Pursuit Car

J - destroys a drone closest to where the gun is aiming

K - solves the pipe puzzle

V - destroys all drones and ends the level in victory

B - blows up the train, ending the game in defeat


V - opens the door to the next room, ending the level in victory

J - opens the Safe

K - frees the copper ingot in the ceiling into the play area, solving the drone puzzle

L - frees the copper ingot in the glass pipemaze, solving the magnet puzzle

Engine Room

V - opens the door to the next room, ending the level in victory

J - destroys a fuse in the room, in this order: Steam pipe chamber, A lever glass, A lever ricochet, floor chamber, B lever, ceiling, ladder

K - activates the next correct ‘A Lever’ pressing 4 times within 8 seconds solves the ‘A lever’ puzzle

L - activates the next correct ‘B Lever’ pressing 4 times within 8 seconds solves the ‘B lever’ puzzle

Boss Battle

J - damages the boss once

K - progresses the boss battle to the next phase

L - stuns the boss, causing him to rotate and expose the weak point on the jetpack

V - defeats the boss, ending the game in victory