Mic Chat Setup

Before setting up the server, The server computer should have a static IP. You can find out how to do that HERE

Server Configuration

  • Open the vrcave folder on your Desktop.

  • Open the Mumble folder inside vrcave

  • Double click murmur.exe

    murmur exe in folder

  • That’s it. this computer is now running a mumble server, you can verify by checking for this icon:

    murmer icon

  • Add a shortcut for murmur.exe to the desktop so the server can be quickly started.

  • Add a shortcut of the MumbleServerStartup.exe to your shell:startup by clicking the windows button, typing run, pressing enter and entering shell:startup in the run application

  • Open a command prompt, this can be done in the windows search by by typing cmd and pressing Enter

  • Type ipconfig and press Enter

  • Record the IVP4 for your server computer so the client backpacks can connect to it.

  • Open the vrcave folder on your Desktop.

  • Open the Mumble folder inside vrcave

  • Double click mumble.exe.

    mumble exe in folder

  • First time this is opened it will start the Audio Wizard, if this does not open, you can start it by clicking here:

    Configure wizard

  • On Device Selection you will want to select default device for input and output, and uncheck these boxes.

    Device selection

  • On Device Tuning you will want to set the dial as low as possible. 20ms is best.

    Device Tuning

  • On Voice Activity Detection you will want to set Push To Talk to a key of your choice, you can do this by clicking the box and then pressing the desired key. (for example this currently has Insert as the push to talk button.

    Device selection

  • On Quality & Notifications you will want to leave Text-To-Speech on, this will talk to you when something happens, this is only temporary and we will disable it later.

    Device selection

  • when a screen comes up asking about Certificate Authentication, Select Automatic certification creation

  • If the network settings don’t show up right away, Select the network icon, the Blue earth with lights and lines

    network button

  • Ignore the Public Internet if present, click Add New

    add new button

  • Here the only really important box is Address type in the address you recorded of your server and make a user name for your server. Don’t touch Port.

    fill in your network info

  • Select the newly created favorite server and Connect

    network button

  • The server will talk to you, we can (and should) disable this here. select configure and uncheck the Text-To-Speech option, this will silence the notifications entirely.

  • Next you have to go to Configure and select Settings

    Configure Settings

  • Select Network and under Connection check both boxes and under Mumble Services uncheck both boxes. click Apply

    Network Settings

Now the server should automatically join this VOIP chatroom on start up.

  • (OPTIONAL) Select Advanced and check Display push to talk window. this will create a button that will always be on top of the screen that can be clicked to talk for the administrators.

Backpack Configuration Setup

Each backpack needs some additional setup

You must install and initialize the server computer before the backpacks.

For these steps you’ll need to connect a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the backpack, as well as the HTC Vive.

Ensure the HTC Vive is connected and working. Since VRcave should have automatically started up, press Alt+F4 to close VRCave and return to the desktop.

  • Open the vrcave folder on your Desktop.

  • Open the Mumble folder inside vrcave

  • Double click mumble.exe.

    mumble exe in folder

  • First time this is opened it will start the Audio Wizard, if this does not open, you can start it by clicking here:

    Configure wizard

  • On Device Selection you will want to select default device for input and output, and uncheck these boxes.

    Device selection

  • On Device Tuning you will want to set the dial as low as possible. 20ms is best.

    Device Tuning

  • On Device Selection you will want to set Signal-To-Noise ratio and test each headset for voice pickup, adjust the dial so your voice activates green. don’t be shy, be as loud as you think players will get.

    Device selection

  • On Quality & Notifications you will want to leave Text-To-Speech on, this will talk to you when something happens, but we will disable it later.

    Device selection

  • when a screen comes up asking about Certificate Authentication, Select Automatic certification creation

  • If the network settings don’t show up right away, Select the network icon, the Blue earth with lights and lines

    network button

  • Ignore the Public Internet if present, click Add New

    add new button

  • Here the only really important box is Address type in the address you recorded of your server and make a user name for each backpack. don’t touch Port. I don’t know how that works just leave it.

    fill in your network info

  • Select the newly created favorite server and Connect

    network button

  • The server will talk to you, we can (and should) disable this here. select configure and uncheck the Text-To-Speech option, this will silence the notifications entirely.

  • Next you have to go to Configure and select Settings

    Configure Settings

  • Select Network and under Connection check both boxes and under Mumble Services uncheck both boxes. click Apply

    Network Settings

  • Next click the advanced checkbox and go to Audio Input. Under Transmission you will want to select Amplitude radio button and adjust the Silence Below and Speech Above bars to your microphone input. This helps with cutting down on echos in speech.

Now each backpack should automatically join this VOIP chatroom on start up.