Manor of Escape


The towns people have had enough! The mad count Malum has been experimenting with interdimensional science, people are going missing and screams can be heard coming from his manor at night, the mayor has tasked your team to investigate the manor and put an end to his evil experiments!

Puzzle Solutions

The Flooded Basement

  • The count has trapped the players in his sinister basement and there is something beneath the murky water, get out before it gets in. *

The goal of this level is to find all 4 gears and place them on the door mechanism. the Level is completed once the players turn the door crank and open it enough for them to escape. This level has water up to waist height, players must plunge their hands into the water to find objects in the playspace. Objects that appear under the water range from dropped gears, various body parts, and leeches.

Free Gear This gear is on a desk just outside the cage next to the clock, it is within reach.

Rope Gear This gear is hanging on a rope connected to the wheel in the center of the playspace, turning the wheel will bring the gear into the playspace, but will also lift the door to the monster’s cage, this reveals that the cage is broken and that the monster is loose in the basement. Once a player tries to grab the gear, it falls into the water and gets lost, players will have to find it by grabbing objects until it is found.

Barrel Gear This gear is on top of a barrel outside of the cage, to bring the barrel into reach, players must turn the wheel that is outside the cage opposite of the door mechanism. The monster will attack the player who is turning the wheel, players must first distract the monster with a leech before turning the wheel, once the barrel is close enough, players can grab the gear.

Box Gear This gear is on a box outside of the cage opposite of the barrel gear. This box does not have a rope attached to it, but the box is affected by the monster’s movements, players must lure the monster into bumping the box towards them by throwing leeches or body parts outside the cage.

Once all the gears are placed the wheel must be turned until the door opens. Once the door starts to open, the monster will begin to smash the cage to give the players some urgency to escape.

Transdimensional Lab

Phase 1: Transdimensional fish

The players have escaped the basement only to find another locked door, they must figure out how to power the door.

The goal for this phase of the Lab is to collect the 3 interdimensional fish and insert them into the life extraction machine.

** The All Seeing Orb** There is an orb inside the chest, when a heat source is applied to the orb, (a lit candle, or the tesla coil) it will become clear and will reveal the fish when they are looked at through the orb.

the Candle The candle can be used to heat the orb, and can be carried with the orb. to light the candle, the tesla coil needs to be powered and the candle placed inside the current.

Jar Fish This fish is inside one of the jars in the level, the fish is visible when viewed through the orb.

Glow Fish This fish comes from the transdimensional gate opposite of the life extraction machine. both sides of the gate need to be powered before the fish will appear, it can be seen when viewed through the orb.

Parasite Fish This one also comes from the transdimensional gate, it will seek out a player and attach itself to their face. The fish can be grabbed and pulled off. The Fish can be seen when viewed from the orb.

Once all three fish are placed in the life extraction machine, and all the fuses are returned to the receptacles next to the machine, the next phase will begin

Phase 2: Dark Lab

Power surges into the creature under the tarp, the lights go out and a roar and a crash is heard, IT’S ALIVE!!!

This Phase requires the players to collect the fuses and place them back in their receptacles to power the door, but they must not make a sound, the first loud noise will summon the creature, the second noise will give away their position and the creature will kill the players, this resets the dark lab phase,

Loud Noise Sources:
  • Dropping the chest lid too hard
  • Dropping or smashing a jar
  • Turing on the tesla coil

This section does not really have solutions, other than placing all the fuses into the 6 receptacles and moving the one fuse in the fuse box from the left receptacle to the right receptacle.

Players have to be careful when collecting the fuses, when grabbing the tower of jars; they must not let them fall, when turing off the electro magnet; they have to catch the jar, when grabbing the tesla coil fuse; they have to avoid inserting it into the receptacle, when getting the spider web fuse; they must throw a jar at the web and then catch it when it falls.

The Graveyard

Finally safe from the Hideoplast, the players find themselves in a graveyard behind the manor, the count laughs as he finishes his final experiment, unfortunately for him.

This level is a boss fight against the counts creation.

Boss fight Sequence
  1. The boss will teleport to a random spot in the graveyard and launch bolts of energy at the players, they must use the bows and hit the boss with a fire arrow.

  2. After a few successful hits, the boss will teleport to the stage and will show his ability to create shadow clones.

  3. Multiple shadow clones will appear all over the graveyard. only one of them is the real monster, players must use the all seeing orb identify the real one and hit it with fire arrows.

Hardmode Changes

Subject to Change


  • The box can be pushed away from the cage


  • Slippery fish needs to be stunned before it can be placed in the machine
  • The parasite will move to other players after a while
  • The Hideoplast will be summoned after a short delay, meaning the players cannot make any mistakes.

Manor of Escape Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard is used from the server computer to control several in-game functions. There are some keyboard commands that apply to every level in the game, as a host a level-specific commands.

General Commands

Y - toggles ‘spectator mode’, allowing the camera to fly around and observe the game. The server computer starts in this mode automatically.

W, A, S, D, Q, E - when in ‘spectator mode’, this freely moves and re-orientates the camera position

0 - warps all players to the lobby

1 - warps all players to the foyer

2 - warps all players to the basement

3 - warps all players to the lab

4 - warps all players to the yard

Numeric Keypad Plus - adds 1 minute to the timer

Numeric Keypad Minus - subtracts 1 minute from the timer

H - increase the number of hints the team can request (default 2)

Shift+H - decrease the number of hints the team can request

Alt+H - force revealing of the next hint

Shift+[number] - loads a different game/experience, list is shown in lobby levels

Shift + L - skips the story introduction (only while introduction is being played)

Lobby Commands

Spacebar - begins playing the automated intro (VR safety, Hint description, mission), then starts the game

M - plays the mission intro only, then starts the game

V - starts the game

Shift+Insert - toggles the in-game mic feature on/off

R - toggle showing/hiding of the score message

U - cycles through a list of available languages and apply the new language after 5 seconds (It restarts the server and wipes the current score.)


J - solves the table gear

K - solves the rope gear

L - solves the barrel gear

, - solves the box gear

R - resets the water monsters position (if it gets stuck)

V - inserts all gears and winds the wheel opening the exit

Lab Phase 1

V - opens door immediately solving the level (skipping the dark phase)

J - insert glowing fish

K - insert jar fish

L - insert parasite fish

, - inserts all fuses and triggers transition to dark phase

Lab Phase 2 (Dark Phase)

V - opens door lock and exit to next level


J - force a hit on the boss with fire damage

V - forces victory condition