Depths of Osiris


Welcome to deep-sea platform Oceanus 5. Our team of deep sea archaeologists have been stumped for months after the discovering the lost temple of Osiris. This is why we have called in you and your team of specialists to help us gain access to the temple and retrieve the rumoured artifact inside. You have limited oxygen, the gauge on your right wrist lets you know how much time you have left.

If you need help during your expedition you can contact the surface support vessel twice before the end. Good luck aquanauts, and godspeed.

Puzzle Solutions

Dive Chamber

The five vacuum tubes must be found and inserted in the receptacles next to the door. Three can be picked up right away:

  1. on the floor in front of the door
  2. at the base of the ladder
  3. on a ceiling beam, opposite the large window

To access the remaining two, the players must flood the dive chamber by tapping on the large window, which causes the shark to break the glass.

Next, the four red control valves can be used to control the water current - opening valves to draw water and move the vacuum tubes towards the suction vent connected to each valve. If several valves are open, the water current will be in the average direction. This may average out to zero if opposing valves (or all valves) are open.

  1. To reach the vacuum tube in the floor closer to the airlock door, all of the valves should be closed except the one near the ladder. The vacuum tube will be sucked towards the ladder and pop out of the floor.
  2. The other valve is in a maze; it must be first sucked towards the large window, then towards the ladder, and finally diagonally towards the hole in the floor in front of the ladder.

Once all five vacuum tubes are inserted, players must touch the airlock door handle to exit the room.

Underwater Exterior

Players must place offerings of seashell gems in 7 dishes around the play space, and repel crabs from stealing the gems. Directions below are given facing the stone temple doors.

  • A harpoon dispenser in the rear right of the play space.
  • Crabs can be swatted by player hands or stabbed with the tip of the harpoon, to prevent the from stealing gems or make them drop gems they have stolen.
  • Sharks can be stabbed with the harpoon to make them drop gems (if their throat is lit up blue by a gem).

Locations of the dishes where the 7 gems must be placed, facing the stone temple doors:

  • dish 1 is in the back left corner, near ground level, just beyond the railing.
  • dish 2 is in the front left corner, closest to the temple doors.
  • dish 3 is in the rear middle of the play space, closer to the airlock door.
  • dish 4 (Large bowl) is outside the play space, close to the temple door. To get a seashell gem in this bowl, throw a harpoon at the large shark as it swims over the bowl.
  • dish 5 is in the front middle of the play space, closer to the temple door.
  • dish 6 is in the front right corner
  • dish 7 is in the rear right corner, close to the harpoon dispenser

Progress is indicated by the indicator lights above the temple doors, in the order given above, clockwise from left.

Once all 7 offerings are placed, the temple doors open and the players enter the next room.

Ancient Airlock

Players must use shells, fish skeletons, and crabs to gather 7 shells to open the airlock door.

This room has 2 bowls on one side of the room, when a shell is placed on the top bowl, the water level will begin to rise, when a shell is placed on the bottom bowl, the water will begin to drain from the room.

  • Snail Shell 1 - This shell can be retrieved by pulling the middle piston, the shell will be in a cubby in the opposite corner of the room.

  • Conch Shell - This shell is in a cage next to the 9 bowls puzzle, it can be retrieved by raising the water level to the middle of this cage, the shell will float to a bowl in the middle of the cage, which will begin to open that cage. The player will then be able to grab the shell

  • Starfish - This shell can be retrieved by flooding the airlock completely with water and releasing the conch shell below the bowl in the ceiling of the room, when the shell lands in the bowl, a cubby below it will open with the starfish inside.

  • Scalop Shell - This shell can be retieved by giving the crab in the side of the room a snail shell. The crab can be released by pulling the left piston. Once the crab brings a shell to the bowl in his cage, you can retrieve the shell from the crab by using the fish skeleton to scare the crab out of his cage, then grabbing the shell from the crab. The skeleton can be retrieved by pulling the right piston, the skeleton will be in a cubby next to the piston.

  • Snail Shell 2 - This shell can be retrieved by solving the 3 dials puzzle. When players have a snail shell, scalop shell and the starfish, they can release the shells next to the pillars with roman numerals while the room is flooded with water. The shells will settle at the numbers they represent, which is the depth that they float to.
    • Scalop shell is IV
    • Snail shell is I
    • Starfish is IX
  • Snail Shell 3 - This shell can be retrieved by solving the 9 bowls puzzle. to solve this puzzle, players need to have a snail shell, a Scalop shell, the Conch Shell and the starfish. First, players must place the Conch shell in the cage where they found it (next to the 9 bowls) and raise the water level until it is above the cage, allowing the conch shell to float to the top of the cage and into the bowl that opens the 9 bowl puzzle. Next, a player must pull the cord in the opposite corner of the 9 bowls to activate the bowls, and show where the shells need to be placed. The player holding down the cord must tell the other players where to place the shells, if the player releases the cord, the solution will change. Once the 3 shells are placed correctly, a cubby below the bowls will open with snail shell 3 inside.

  • Floor Crab - This shell cannot be retrieved from the floor, instead the crab needs to be guided to the bowl infront of the door, either by enticing it with a shell, or scaring it with the fish skeleton.

The door will open when all 6 shells are placed in the bowls around the door, and the floor crab is in the bowl below the floor.

Temple Interior

  1. Piloting the flying machine to retrieve the hammer Using the 4 hand-triggered buttons on the walls, players can pilot the ancient flying machine to the hammer in the middle of the large atrium, and return it to the play space.
    • Red = top thruster
    • Blue = bottom thruster
    • Green = left thruster
    • Yellow = right thruster
  2. Smash the large crystal with the hammer and take the crown from the pedestal
  3. Light the torch by hitting the hammer against stone (making sparks) next to the torch
  4. Make a Fire (Red) Gem by passing it over the torch flame
  5. Make a Wind (Yellow) Gem by pulling out the loose stone that makes an air draft sound, and hold the gem up to the air vent
  6. Make an Earth (Green) Gem by touching it to the hanging plants
  7. Make a Water (Blue) Gem by dipping it in the puddle, stream of water, or tossing it in the water.
  8. Open the four bars by inserting the Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water gems in the corresponding colored bar

Hardmode Changes

Dive Chamber: There are no changes in hardmode to this area

Underwater Exterior: Crabs will spawn much more rapidly and will take off with shells much faster.

Temple Interior: The flying machine is tougher to fly slightly and it must be much closer to its target before it engages autopilot.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard is used from the server computer to control several in-game functions. There are some keyboard commands that apply to every level in the game, as well as a host a level-specific commands.

General Commands

Y - toggles ‘spectator mode’, allowing the camera to fly around and observe the game. The server computer starts in this mode automatically.

W,A,S,D,Q,E - When in ‘spectator mode’, this freely moves and re-orientates the camera position

0 - warps all players to the lobby

1 - warps all players to the dive chamber

2 - warps all players to the underwater exterior

3 - warps all players to the ancient airlock

4 - warps all players to the temple interior

Numeric Keypad Plus - adds 1 minute to the timer

Numeric Keypad Minus - subtracts 1 minute from the timer

H - increase the number of hints the team can request (default 2)

Shift+H - decrease the number of hints the team can request

Alt+H - force revealing of the next hint

Shift+[number] - loads a different game/experience, list is shown in lobby levels

Shift + L - Skips the story intro. Intro must be active for this command to work

Lobby Commands

Spacebar - begins playing of the automated intro (VR safety, Hint description, mission), then starts the game

M - plays the mission intro only, then starts the game

V - starts the game

Shift+Insert - toggles the in-game mic feature on/off (Need to do Mic Chat Setup first)

R - toggle showing/hiding of the score message

U - cycles through a list of available languages and apply the new language after 5 seconds (It restarts the server and wipes the current score.)

Dive Chamber Commands

V - triggers the victory condition, warping players to the next level

T - triggers the shark to smash the glass (only available after the crab crawls out, ~2 minutes in)

B - triggers the failure condition and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level

Shift + L - Skips the story intro. Intro must be active for this command to work

Underwater Exterior Commands

V - triggers the victory condition (the temple doors open), warping players to the next level

B - triggers the failure condition and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level

Ancient Airlock Commands

J - Solves the ceiling bowl puzzle (giving the starfish shell)

K - Solves the crab nest puzzle (giving the scalop shell)

L - Solves the 9 bowl puzzle (giving the third snail shell)

Temple Interior Commands

J - complete the flying machine puzzle, and drops off hammer in play space

Numeric Keypad 8, 4, 6, 2 - flying machine thrusters (top/left/right/bottom). Note, NumLock will need to be on for these keys to work.

R - resets flying machine back to it’s initial position (only before flying machine puzzle is finished)

V - triggers the victory condition, warping players to the lobby

B - triggers the failure condition and ends the game warping every player to the lobby level